World Polio Day (Monday, October 24th) is rapidly approaching. This is the day Rotarians around the world and the communities we serve pause to acknowledge all that has been accomplished and prepare for the remaining work required to eradicate the world of the awful disease known as polio.
The Rotary calendar also tells us that it is the time of year when we work with our individual clubs to raise funds that are funneled through our district and onto the international foundation for the purpose of continuing our polio eradication efforts and furthering all the many causes supported by Rotary. Donated funds earn added value from matching monies contributed by the Gates Foundation and the International Rotarian Foundation.
Clubs across the nation use a variety of methods for raising funds. The simplest of these methods is taking up a collection from among existing club members, however those clubs that engage their communities find that in addition to an increased level of gifting they are also able to educate others about the cause as well as the good works achieved by their club.
In addition to fund raising it is a GREAT time to get your club and its members out in front of the community. Completing a proclamation with your local community marking October 24th as World Polio Day will get you recognized at a council meeting and in most cases get your clubs picture in the paper. Hosting a fundraiser event will help spread the word as well.
For more information PLEASE CLICK HERE