Posted by Martial Thevenot on Jun 04, 2019
It’s that time of year again – it’s CUP CRAZY time for any hockey fan – and especially exciting as our own MISSOURI team – The St. Louis Blues!
On another note – it would be a SUPER GREAT SERVICE if you would open your calendar and CIRCLE/BLOCK/SAVE this date: SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 2019.
Our District Governor Elect, Marc Horner & the cracker jack TEAM working with him, will be presenting a Reprise of THE GREATEST SHOW IN ROTARY theme that we used at PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) back in March…  you may have heard a thing or two about it.
Using the same sort of upliftingly FUN ENERGY, we will be offering more great “Acts” for your edutainment…  specifically focusing on:
  2. LIFTING the HEAVY weights (Strong Men and Strong Women) for attracting more RESOURCES to DO even more GOOD with. (FOUNDATION).
  3. AND ... Sharing some of the secret tips and “tricks” for performing the near Death defying, tight rope walking balancing feats, as Club LEADER – without even a safety net!! (ROTARY LEADER CONFIDENCE).
  1. Any and all Club Membership Chairs (Champions/Sheroes/Heroes), committee teammates and cheerleaders.
  2. Any and all Club Foundation Chairs (Champions/Sheroes/Heroes), committee teammates and cheerleaders.
  3. Any and all current Club Presidents, President Elects, President nominees, Vice Presidents and emerging, aspiring leaders and cheerleader Sheroes/Heroes.
  4. Pretty much anyone wanting to learn more about how you can contribute more and inspire others to contribute in any way shape or form!
How does that sound? 
AND we pledge to make this our GREATEST SHOW to date… loaded with fun, laughs, educationally entertaining information, insightful experiences, practical wisdoms and as a BONUS we will even FEED you (at no cost)…  no not to the lions – but maybe with some good ol “superfood” Circus treats!!  (TBC).
In the coming weeks we will have the official registration link up for you to register with, as we will need a hard head count (no not a count of hard heads – a hard - count)… so we can make sure to bring in enough Cotton Candy and/or sweet Kettle Popcorn too!?!?  M M M!  Who can miss out on FREE POPCORN?  (Do you think our Popcorn Loving Rotary International President-Elect Marc Maloney would stop by?)
OK - for today – please just save that date – AUGUST 17 – so you don’t miss out on this amazing production of Life or Death-defying Acts – as we Rotarians PIVOT towards the next grandest version of our greatest VISION to continue to elevate our impact on making an even bigger difference in and for our World!!
And why not HAVE some FUN doing GOOD?!  #numberfiveonfourwaytest