PDG Carl Chinnery was recently recognized for his outstanding contributions to the effort of eliminating Polio. The Service Award for a Polio Free World was established by The Foundation Trustees to recognize outstanding contributions to the effort of eliminating Polio. The award is given to 10 persons annually in our World Health Organization Region which includes all of North, South and Central America. Carl has been an outstanding advocate for polio eradication since 1992, truly in fact, for his entire life.
He has also served beyond District 6040 as a Major Gifts Advisor which has given him the opportunity to raise significant gifts in the name of Polio Eradication. Carl has made frequent presentations to District Conferences and Zone Institutes throughout the United States. Carl's story is personal. He is a polio survivor and his family was affected in a significant way. Because of his story, and his willingness to share it, Carl has inspired many Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike to work to End Polio Now. No one deserves the Service Award for a Polio Free World more than Carl Chinnery.