Posted by Kirby Asplund, District 6040 Public Image Chair on Jul 03, 2018
Facebook can be a powerful tool for Rotary clubs, helping you to keep your members informed and engaged, and at the same time informing and engaging others in your community about Rotary!  A few suggestions for putting the power of Facebook to work for you:
  • Assign a member (someone who enjoys social media) to set up a Facebook page for your club.
  • Post items about your club’s meetings or activities two to three times per week – with photos or videos if possible.
  • Encourage your members to “like,” “comment on” and “share” the club’s posts. This will really help extend your reach. (This is what the “social” in “social media” is all about – interaction and engagement.)
  • Why not post a notice about a particularly exciting program or service project coming up – and invite non-members to join you?
The ideal scenario?  When others see what your club is doing in and for your community – and they see the camaraderie and engagement of your members – they’ll want to join!