People frequently feel detached from the presence or absence of Peace in society.  As if Peace is something over which they have limited influence.  However, the concept of Positive Peace can change that perspective because Positive Peace emphasizes and describes “attitudes, structures, and institutions that underpin and sustain peaceful societies.  Positive Peace is the presence of something good, like education, sustainable resources, human capital, or a functioning government.”1   In learning about Positive Peace, we begin to see how we can impact and create conditions where Peace can flourish.
Sufficient food, health care availability, access to clean water,  and all of Rotary's seven areas of focus underly Positive Peace.  When Rotarians and Rotary clubs conduct projects in these areas, we create the attitudes, structures, institutions, and conditions supporting peaceful societies.
In the coming months, district leaders will move towards aggregating Rotary Club efforts that contribute to Positive Peace.  At the same time, a District Peace Committee could be formed to focus on new, meaningful ideas to introduce the concepts of Positive Peace to priority groups (youth often make the list of Priority Groups in Rotary) and establish an impactful project.
Action Item:  Contact Cassy Venters, to join or learn more about the District Peace Committee.  The committee will meet primarily by Zoom.  Initially, the committee may meet twice monthly to generate and vet ideas, evolving into monthly meetings or meetings every other month as projects are developed and implemented.  Members will be asked to contact clubs in their area to generate support and involvement with projects.
1Positive Peace Guide for Club Presentations, Rotary International