New Rotary Year 2022-23 and Theme Imagine Rotary
Dear District 6040 Rotarians,
Just a quick note to all our Rotarians in our great District 6040 of Northern, Missouri. I have been waiting for this day for some time to be your District Governor. Before any further comments I would need to thank David McCaughey, last year's District Governor, and all the District Officers, Committee Chairs, and their committee members for such a successful year and lots of amazing events and activities that took place! Thank you David for your leadership of our District and for being such a great mentor for me to learn from.
We have a great team we are putting together for this Rotary year and are very excited to work with all of them. Can't wait to get out to see all of your Clubs and the great things all of you are doing in your communities and also outside the US with all of our different Rotary programs. Will be doing our monthly Newsletter as in the past and will also share a smaller version update on the 15th of each month to help share all the good things going on in the District.
Our Rotary Theme this year is "Imagine Rotary". Imagine all the things your Club, your members, and new members can help do with the help of our District and Rotary International to do great things all over the world! Look forward to working with all of you this year and more to come on the Theme, Club Visits, Polio Day, Foundation Dinner, District Conference, and all the wonderful things we do in our District!
Thank you all for what you do for Rotary and please reach out if you have any questions or need help with anything this year!
Larry “Kent” Shelman
Rotary District 6040 District Governor 2022-23