The Rotary Club of Eastern Independence participated in the Kimbrough Challenge District Grant Challenge for the 2019/20 Rotary Year. The Club project was to assist Mother’s Refuge in upgrading their computer and I.T. capabilities to better support their pregnant and teen mother clients. Mother’s Refuge is a local non-profit organization with a much needed humanitarian mission – “Our mission is to shelter and educate homeless, pregnant and parenting young women by providing comprehensive services that empower them to make successful life decisions for themselves and their babies.”
The Club in cooperation with District 6040 contributed $14,000.00 toward new I.T. equipment and professional support of that equipment. Club members also delivered life skill training's to the teens in the Mother’s Refuge program. These training's focused on I.T./computer skills, furthering their education, career and job placement skills including resume writing, completing applications and interviewing techniques, personal and independent life skills such as personal finance/budgeting, and lastly how to contribute to and become a strong citizen of your local community.
The Assistant Executive Director of Mother’s Refuge is Kelsi Green. She has been instrumental in progressing this grant through Mother’s Refuge and monitoring results, including during the Cornovirus Pandemic. Kelsi states “I cannot even begin to adequately describe just how impactful this grant has been already!! With the unexpected pandemic, having an updated computer lab where our residents can easily access school work and attend virtual meetings/classes has been a total GAME CHANGER!!! The Chromebooks and iPads allowed the young moms to have access to technology while quarantined in their rooms without access to the computer lab. Again, this was a HUGE win! They were able to continue on with their lives and further their studies, thanks to the Rotary Club of Eastern Independence. We have been blessed to provide shelter services to 18 moms and 10 babies thus far in 2020. Our home is currently full with 7 moms and 6 babies. Lives are continuing to be changed, two at a time, due to supporters like the Rotary Club.”
Rotary District Grants come from the Rotary Foundation from which Rotary Members collectively contribute to. These grants meet Rotary’s humanitarian areas of focus. This grant to Mother’s Refuge met several areas of focus. These include “Education & Literacy”, “Maternal and Child Health”, and “Economic and Community Development”. Club Presidents Eric Knipp (19/20) and Susan Wray (20/21) were in total support of the project giving guidance through each step. Club Member Cindy Miller provided leadership in organizing and delivering the life skills series, which were presented by other members of the Club. Contributing funds from the Rotary Club of Eastern Independence are raised primarily through our signature event, “Independence Uncorked”. For more information on this annual Winefest event, see . Find us on Facebook and Twitter also.