District Governor Nominations for Rotary year 2017-2018
Dear District 6040 Rotarians,
You are invited to submit nominations for District Governor for Rotary year 2017-2018. You, as a Rotarian in good standing, may submit to your club president and secretary, the name of a Rotarian in your club who you feel would be willing and qualified to serve as your District Governor. This person will then be voted on within your club and, if approved, will be submitted to the District Nominating Committee. This committee consists of the last 5 Past District Governors (voting permissions), the current District Governor, Governor Elect, Governor Nominee, and the Governor Nominee Designate (non-voting).
Please note that under Rotary International Bylaws Qualifications for Nomination, a qualified candidate will include all of the following six criteria:
1. Rotarian must have served a full term as club president, or as charter president from the date of charter to 30 June (six-month minimum), at the time of nomination. (RI Bylaws 15.070.3)
2. Member of a Rotary Club for at least seven (7) years. (RI Bylaws 15.080)
3. Rotarian in good standing. (RI Bylaws 15.070.1)
4. Rotarian maintaining full qualification of membership. (RI Bylaws 15.070.2)
5. Willing to fulfill duties of Governor (as described in RI Bylaws 15.070.4)
6. Will attend the International Assembly (for District Governor Elects) prior to taking office.
(While not required, having served as an Assistant Governor is a “plus” for a nominee.)
Our District Executive Officers would like to see this nominee selected earlier in the current Rotary year so this person can be included in officer discussions to improve understanding and continuity from year to year.
Immediate Past District Governor Kenny Harris, Nominations Committee Chair, will convene the District Governor
Nomination interviews on April 24, 2014, at a location central to a majority of the applicants. This location will be determined once the slate of candidates is identified.
- Your clubs’ completed District Governor nomination form must be completed fully.
- Notice all the signatures required (secretary, and applicant).
- Return this application (and any additional documentation) via electronic media to District Governor Rick Simonricksimon6040@gmail.com,
- (Be advised, this is a firm date for submitting nominations).
If you have questions about this process, please contact IPDG Kenny Harris at kharris.
DGN DistrictElectionGuidelines 2013EN.docx
DGN Data FormApplication.doc
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