It is time again to select a future District Governor of our District 6040. This selection will be for the Governor that serves in the Rotary year 2027-28. Everyone receiving this email has served your Club in numerous capacities. Many of you have also served the District and beyond in various positions. Your club is being invited to submit nominations for District Governor for Rotary year 2027-2028.   You, as a Rotarian in good standing, may submit to your Club President and Secretary, the name of a Rotarian in your club who you believe would be willing and qualified to serve as District Governor.  

This person should be voted on by your club and his/her name, along with the application and all needed signatures, submitted to the District Nominating Committee.  The District Nominating Committee, in accordance with Section 12.03.2 of the RI Bylaws, will consist of the last five Past District Governors.  They are the voting members.  The current District Governor, Governor-Elect, Governor-Nominee, and the Governor Nominee-Designate will also serve on the committee as non-voting members. 


Please note that under the Rotary International Bylaws Qualifications for District Governor Nomination, a qualified candidate must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. A Rotarian in good standing of a functioning club in District 6040. (RI Bylaws 16.010.0 (a)

  2. The Rotarian must have served a full term as Club President, or as charter president from the date of charter to 30 June (six-month minimum), at the time of nomination. (RI Bylaws 16.010 (b)

  3. Be willing and able to fulfill the duties of District Governor (as described in RI Bylaws 16.030)

  4. Demonstrate the knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the Governor and submit a signed statement that the Rotarian understands clearly the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities.  (RI Bylaws 16.010 (d)

  5. Is willing to attend the International Assembly (as District Governor Elect) prior to taking office.  (RI Bylaws 16.020)

Selection is done now so this person can be included in leadership discussions and meetings, long-range goals, and policy setting to improve continuity and to participate in preparatory training and District activities.  The selected person would begin participating in the District Executive Council meetings after selection.  Full participation from 2024-2027 is essential to help the individual prepare for the 2026-2027 District Governor year.



The District Governor nomination form must be completed fully.

  1. All required signatures must be on the document – Club President, Secretary, and applicant.

  2. Nominations shall be submitted in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Club naming the suggested candidate.  A club may submit only one of its own members as a candidate for Governor-Nominee.  

Return this application (and any additional documentation) via email to Immediate Past District Governor Kent Shelman, no later than March 1st, 2024.


Nominees are encouraged to submit a detailed biography and additional information including details of their Club, District and international experiences in Rotary.


If you have questions about this process, please contact me at the email or phone number listed below.


NOTE: The Governor-Nominee Data Form is attached to this email along with  Article 16 Governors from the RI By Laws.


Thank you,


Kent Shelman,

Immediate Past District Governor
