Posted by david mccaughey on Aug 13, 2018
Longer-term Rotarians often talk about using their Foundation Points and newer Rotarians sometimes look confused as they listen to this discussion.
What are Foundation Recognition Points and Who Has Them?  Foundation recognition points (sometimes just referred to as Points) are awarded to donors who contribute to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) through the Annual Fund/SHARE or PolioPlus or who contribute to sponsorship of a Foundation grant.  Donors receive one recognition point for every U.S. dollar contributed to these funds.   So every donor to TRF has points. 
What can I do with points?  Points can be transferred to other individuals to help them qualify as a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) or Multiple Paul Harris Fellow.   Many donors match the contributions of Rotarians to help them reach giving goals.  Such offers might be a gift of 100 points for a $100 contribution.  Or a donor may give 600 points to an individual for a $400 contribution so that someone becomes a Paul Harris Fellow.  Paul Harris Fellows are individuals that contributed $1,000 or more to TRF over a period of years.  Multiple Paul Harris Fellows have contributed increments of $1,000 and may be a PHF+1 (contributed $2,000) or PHF +2 (contributed $3,000) and so on
So, how do I get or give Foundation Recognition Points?  A minimum of 100 Foundation recognition points must be transferred at a time, and the donor must complete and sign the Recognition and Transfer Request. (Write to David McCaughey at to obtain the form.   Points are often donated in honor of service work in which an individual is engaged – perhaps someone who has headed the club’s signature project for many years.  Each donor decides how he or she wants to honor someone in using points.  Recipients do not need to be Rotarians and some individuals donate points to honor community leaders who have supported Rotary projects.  These are excellent public image occasions. 
Do the points ever expire?  The points are available for the life of the Rotarian donor.  If the donor was a Major Donor (contributing $10,000 or above), the surviving spouse/partner maintains control of the Foundation recognition points during the survivor’s lifetime. 
How do I find out how many points I have?  Your club foundation chair, secretary, or president, district annual fund chair or district foundation chair can view the online Club Recognition Summary and find your point total.   Through you're My Rotary account, you can view your personal contribution history, recognition amount and available Foundation recognition points. 
For more information, contact the District Annual Fund Chair, David McCaughey at  
Next Month:  Points Match program details for 2018-19.