Weston Rotary Club’s adventure began on June 20, 1945 at its charter presentation in West Platte High School auditorium. Officers were President, Ralph Pettis; VP, Earl
Folely; Secretary, Raymond Felling; Treasurer: M.M. Ohlhausen; Sgt.-At-Arms, Lewis Calvert. Weston Rotary charter was sponsored my St. Joseph South Side Rotary Club
which was well represented.
The 25th anniversary of Weston Rotary was held July 17, 1970 at the Molia Temple, St. Joseph, Missouri. Officers: President, L.Dale Hagerman; VP, Charles D. Fisher;
Secretary, William McGee; Treasurer, Joseph Pepper; Sgt.-at arms, Carl Gebhardt; Anniversary Chairman, L.R. Vaughn.
The 50th anniversary of Weston Rotary was held June 16, 1995 with a steak fry at the Local 101 Picnic area on Hwy. J (273), Weston. Officers were: President, Louis
Smither; VP, Dr. Mark Harpst; Secretary, Joseph H. Collison; Treasurer, Robert Kottman; Sgt.-at-arms, Thea Herron (Knox).
The 75th anniversary of Weston Rotary will take place around ‘virus’ concerns as Rick Stout and Chris Donnelli are co-chairs. Officers are: President, Louis Smither; President-
elect, Chris Donnelli; Secretary, Lynn Johnson; Treasurer, Michelle Stanton; President-elect in waiting, Ruth Nelson; Foundation Chair, Rick Stout; Membership Chair; Lee
Robinson, Sgt.-at-arms, Brent Newkirk.
This year, even with the ‘virus’ reaction and lost time and efforts, Weston Rotary had one of its most productive and successful years ever. The yearly golf tournament at
Shilo Springs was the most successful golf tournament to date for the club, under the leadership of Lee Robinson and David Knox.
On November 2, 2019, seven Weston Rotarians attended the 20th annual Rotary Foundation Dinner and program held at Arrowhead Stadium. Keynote speaker: Rotary International
President Mark Maloney. Along with attendees 6 baskets containing Weston, Missouri products were placed into a silent auction with proceeds going to Rotary Foundation.
The items at retail value of $2202.95 were donated by Weston merchants and select Rotarians. This endeavor was spearheaded by Rotarian Jerry Adams and the Weston
Chamber’s Jill Gonzalez. Those Rotarians attending the event were Jerry Adams, Lynn Johnson, Lee Robertson, Rick Stout, Zim Hull, Chris Donnelli, and Louis Smither.
Weston Rotary also supported the The Heart of America Council, Boy Scout troop 249, Weston, “Day of Hope” spearheaded by Ruth Nelson, the Platte County 4-H show at
the Platte County Fair, trash pickup along JJ Highway twice a year, $1500.00 total of scholarships to two West Platte graduating seniors, snack-packs at West Platte and other
community needs as they arise, and ‘shoes for orphan soles’.
Weston Rotary was a contributor to the public restrooms in Weston several years ago. It participated in the funding of the ‘African-American monument at Laurel Hill Cemetery
to recognize 400 African-Americans in unmarked graves this past year.
Led by Rick Stout, Foundation Chair, Weston Rotary collected $1000.00 from select Rotarians for Rotary Foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio from the world.
Not often choosing to due Rotary Foundation Grants, this year, under the leadership of grant writer Rick Stout, Weston Rotary chose to do a $14,000.00 grant to Holladay
Weston City Park. This grant was funded by $3500.00 from Weston Rotary and $10,500.00 from the Rotary Foundation. This, and a previous grant to The Weston
Historical Museum, encompass our grant writing skills and results. These grants are available yearly, by differing amounts. They require ideas and effort along with
dotting the ‘i’s and ‘t’s.
To Weston Rotary members past and present, it is about “Service Above Self” and the 75th year, although trying, has been a very good year in Weston Rotary’s journey.