It is time to kick off the 20th Anniversary of our Shoes for Orphan Souls project in north Missouri. Informational and PR packets are on the way to club presidents. With many of our clubs meeting via Zoom, I know that can add unique challenges to our opportunities to “get out” and perform service. That is why we are extending our efforts into May this year, while encouraging you to plan accordingly in your clubs to be generously generous again this year.
While encouraging safety and good health at every step, Larry Lunsford, our proud shoes cheerleader, has set our goals for this year: 20,000 pairs of shoes in our 20th anniversary year. Each Rotarian is invited to come along on the journey. Children everywhere, including Honduras, need us now more than ever. The year 2020 was a strange and hard year for Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls (SOS) as well as many people and groups around the world. In spite of many delays and obstacles, we were able to deliver thousands of pairs of shoes to vulnerable children in countries to the Dominican Republic, and all over the world, including the United States. Over 19 years, Missouri Rotarians like you have contributed 355,832 pairs of shoes, of which 16,571 were collected during our pandemic-safe Shoes Caravan last year along with almost 4,000 pairs of socks and $12,635 in cash!