The District 6040 Foundation Dinner is always one of the highlights of the Rotary year.
This year’s Dinner will be one of the great events of the decade. You won’t want to miss it.
Save the date:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Arrowhead Stadium
Kansas City, Missouri
Join us in celebration of all things Rotary, with our featured speaker, the president of Rotary International, Mark Maloney
The Foundation Dinner will celebrate the contributions of District 6040 to the Rotary Foundation, including recognition of our 2018-19 District Grant Projects, culminating in the presentation of the People of Action Awards for small, medium and large clubs in the District.
Of course, there will be fun and innovative opportunities to drive funds for the Rotary Foundation – including
- A silent auction, featuring unique and delightful merchandise that will capture your attention and your imagination. (Be sure to bid early and often. Don’t let that special item slip through your fingers!)
- By popular demand: a replay (and enhancement) of last year’s raffle. Your single $100 raffle ticket will put you in the three drawings for these fabulous prizes. (Why stop at one ticket? You deserve more chances to win!)
- A week at a Daytona, Florida ocean-side condo, donated by immediate PDG Julie and Rolfe McCoy of the Chillicothe club
- A one-of-a-kind Rotary pendant (or tie-tack) hand crafted by Trisha Kennedy
- Five nights Copper Mountain, Colorado, condominium, donated by Mark Comfort of the Parkville club – to be used between May 1 and Oct. 31, 2020.
- Note: any Rotarian who buys a $100.00 raffle ticket will get credit for the donation to the Rotary Foundation. Proceeds will go to the Annual Fund.
- In celebration of our Rotary 2019-20 theme, Rotary Connects the World – a new raffle will be held, with a prize of dinner anywhere in the world. (The prize will include travel and expenses for a trip for two – including that special dinner – anywhere in the world, with a travel voucher valued at $5,000.00. For this special event, one-thousand raffle tickets will be sold, priced at $25.00 each – with proceeds obviously going to the Polio Fund.
Add this special event to your calendar today and make plans to attend.
Additional information – such as hotel arrangements – will be added and announced soon.
(Note: in previous years, the Foundation Dinner has been the culmination of day that has begun with the District 6040 Annual Conference. For 2019-20, these two events will be held separately. Make your plans now to join us for the Foundation Dinner in November, and for the
Annual Conference, April 24-26, 2020, at the Lake of the Ozarks. “Meet me in Margaritaville!”)